De stageplaatsen
ENGO: Die dienste was omvattend en het gesinsorgkantore, kinderhuise, ouetehuise, ‘n tehuis vir ongehude moeders, ‘n sentrum vir alkoholiste en die opleiding van studente ingesluit. Sedert 1990 word daar na die provinsiale kantoor as ‘NG Maatskaplike Dienste’ verwys.
Verandering en ontwikkeling bring mee dat die naam gedurende 2013 na Engo verander is. Deur die jare het die diens uitgebrei en word daar vandag deur middel van subprogramme, wat as afsonderlike besigheidsentiteite bedryf word, dienste gelewer.
Engo provinsiale kantoor lewer oorhoofs professionele dienste, personeelontwikkelingsdienste, supervisiedienste en bemarkings- en bestuursdienste ten opsigte van menslike hulpbronne, administrasie en finansies. As provinsiale liggaam neem Engo verantwoordelikheid vir die bekendstelling, monitering, evaluering en ontwikkeling van dienste.
Beudene: Beudene strives to accomplish a dual purpose by providing specialised professional daycare for the working parent with a physically or mentally handicapped child, and giving the child the opportunity to develop physical and emotional skills through relevant therapeutic intervention and stimulation.
Bloemshelter: Bloemshelter is a Christian organization that is registered NPO, providing shelter for the homeless, catering for women, women with children, the elderly, men and frail persons. Our young children attend playgroups for their development; the school children attend schools in our area and these children are guided to further their qualifications after matric. we also create an opportunite for older people to finish their matric via the ABET system. Bible study and disciple courses are presented to the residence. Training opportunities like computer training is available for every individual. They are also stimulated by doing creative handcrafts. A life skills course is also presented in wich the totality of the person is developed. Trough this course the person is emotionally and spiritually cured in order to grow and reach his / hers full potential.
Dit zijn de stageplaatsen waar wij zullen helpen de komende 4 weken.

Wie volgt hier stage?
Amber: 1 week
Indra: 1 week
Sylke: 1 week
Hanne: 1 week

Wie volgt hier stage?
Yentl: 4 weken
Phebe: 4 weken
Seppe: 2 weken
Thibo: 2 weken
Sylke: 2 weken
Hanne: 2 weken

Wie volgt hier stage?
Seppe: 2 weken
Thibo: 2 weken
Sylke: 1 week
Hanne: 1 week